Tuesday, April 28, 2009

For Me

I originally posted this on June 27, 2008 for Christy. She was awaiting knee replacement surgery and it had been postponed. I was in hopes that it would help her through her disappointment. Today I post it for myself............

"God is doing a greater work in us, and that can only come as we learn to trust him no matter how dark the days and sleepless the nights. And it is only as we have been through the darkness with him that what we know with our heads slides down into our hearts, and our hearts no longer demand answers. The Why? becomes unimportant when we believe that God can and will redeem the pain for our good and his glory.... When I put the sovereignty of God beside his unfailing love, my heart can rest."
Verdell Davis

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Thanks for my blog comment. Even though I just recently edited it due to my many grammer and spelling errors. I didnt know you had a blog. Kyle is actually the one who got me to start my own. However mine is much better kept than his. On another note I have much love in my heart for you. My thoughts and prayers are always coming your way. Coming back from Dad's this past christams we were talking. I had mentioned how the 3 of us got so lucky to not recieve many of "those genes" and Kyle simply responded "because we had incredible mothers" I will never forget that one line. You and mom are much alike, both fighters, both keep thier childs well being at heart. I want to also thank you for allowing us to spend time with Kyle growing up. If it had been left to dad we would have never seen Kyle. Some of my best memories was coming over to your apartment to play guess who or going shopping that one time. I also think of you every christmasf or most of our christmas tree is filled with the ornaments you gived us each year. Thank you for being a incredible person, a woman of strong faith, and of complete love because you touch lives without knowing, like you've done my own.

God Bless,