Thursday, April 2, 2009


Chris thinks it’s so funny that I can remember dreams with much detail. I’ve always been one to have lots of dreams and to remember them. Now, I’m not at all sure that I remember all of my dreams but I can usually recall at least one dream from the previous night.

When I was a teenager I remember having the same dream every night. In my dream I was a toddler sitting at the top of a staircase in a rocking chair and as most toddlers will do while in a rocker, I was rocking. I got too close to the edge of the steps and tumbled down, chair and all. Finally, after years of this same dream, I told my mother about it. She looked at me and said, “That really happened when you were about two.” Huh, imagine that. I've never had that dream again.

I’ve known people to dream of deceased loved ones telling them they are in a beautiful place and they’re very happy. Telling them not to worry, they feel complete and wonderful. The hair on my arms stands straight up when I hear these stories. My dream was a bit different………

Chris, Josh, Kyle and I were in this room, no clue where – it’s a dream, they don’t always make sense. Christy came in, now we knew instantly that it was Christy but it didn’t look anything like her. She was wearing this incredibly elaborate outfit, kinda like something Padme’ (Natalie Portman) wore in the Star Wars movies when she was dressed in her queen gear. Someone else was with her; we didn’t know who this person was. Whoever it was wasn’t in human form, more of a spirit. Christy didn’t tell us she was happy but we could feel her happiness. It was overwhelming. We were so excited for her we didn’t even have words to describe it. My body felt a joy it has never felt before and I knew that everyone else felt it too. I asked Christy if her Moffie’s (grandmothers) were there with her and she said yes. Then I asked about her papaw and papa and she looked at me a little strangely and said no. (Which totally makes sense, they are both still living.) Then I asked about someone from our past, who I won’t name here but who is deceased, and she sadly said no. Then she was gone. Kyle and I (Chris and Josh had just disappeared) were jumping up and down with excitement. Kyle couldn’t stop talking about how wonderful he felt and how happy Christy was. We were both overjoyed. Then I woke up. My body was still feeling that overwhelming feeling, a complete joy that I have never felt before.

My only explanation is that this dream was a gift from God and I praise Him and thank Him for it.

Missing my girl, but rejoicing in the knowledge that she’s joyously complete,


Lori said...

Was this recent, or recurring, or what? You know God gave me a dream with a similar effect a couple of years after my dad died. It brings comfort and peace and joy, how can it not be from Him? Thank you for sharing this, and praise Him for giving it.

Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

What an amazing dream! A true gift from God!