Friday, November 21, 2008

Christy's Stocking

I sent the following e-mail today to everyone I know. But just in case you missed it I'm posting it here, minus our address.

Dear Friends,

As the Christmas season approaches our hearts are still broken. We can hardly think of celebrating the birth of our Savior without Christy, yet we certainly will. We couldn’t dream of letting this season pass without celebrating our Lord. However, we are faced with a difficult decision, what to do with Christy’s stocking. You see, even though our kids are grown they still receive a stocking filled to the brim every year. So this year we’ve come up with a plan to fill Christy’s stocking and we’re asking for your help.

As many of you know, when Christy was a child we spent countless days that sometimes stretched into weeks and even months at Children’s Hospital. Those times were financially draining on our little family. Thankfully we had a wonderful extended family that helped us through those difficult times but many people face these times alone, without family to lean on. That’s where you come in. We have already been in touch with Amy at the Children’s Miracle Network to set our plan in motion. We are seeking gift cards of any kind that might help a family in need. You could purchase restaurant cards (fast food is great), cards for gasoline, even Wal-Mart of Kroger cards would be wonderful. Also, to help brighten the day for the children we are asking for all types of children’s books.

I can just see Christy’s stocking totally overloaded with items! (I promise pictures after Christmas.) If you would like to donate you can either mail your items, drop them off at our house, or give us a call/e-mail and one of us will gladly pick your items up. We hope to make this a wonderful blessing for many families, please consider helping a family who is already suffering. Our hearts will hurt this Christmas, but we will take joy in knowing that Christy is still touching the lives of so many.

Feel free to forward this to anyone you think might be interested in helping with this project.

Happy holidays to each of you and may God bless you,

Chris, Julie, Josh & Kyle

1 comment:

JLu said...

Thank you for sharing your blog. I have looked through it here at work and just feel like crying for you! It shares so much of your heart, your hurts, and just the real you! I think you are like me, in that it's easier to write things than explain them in words. You have shared so many intimate things. Thank you for that. I'm so glad we're friends.