Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Adventures of a Dog & Cat

Most of my posts these days are complete downers so I thought I would change directions for a minute.

Monday night Chris and I actually went to bed at 10 o’clock. Now, that’s been the norm for us these past few months, that is until our great tile project (thanks Cy for all of your hard work). But Monday night Cy came over early and left early so we took advantage and went to bed early. So, by 10:05 I was sound asleep. At around 11:30 or so our bedroom door comes flying open and Kyle, in a VERY panicked voice says, “Jack ran off and I can’t find him!” Chris and I both come flying out of the bed and run out the back door yelling for Jack, me in my PJ’s and Chris in his undies. I’m sure we were a beautiful sight for the neighbors and those who just happened to drive by. Most of you are probably thinking, it’s just a dog, and you’re right but my nerves are very fragile these days plus, we really do LOVE this dog. And he’s NEVER done this before.

So Kyle jumped in his truck and took off driving through the neighborhood. Well, he found our sweet little Jackie taking a pee on a fire hydrant, one street over and about 5 houses up. Jack just looked at Kyle like, ‘Hey dad, how’d you get here?’ When Kyle gave the scolding ‘Jack’, sweet little Jackie laid those ears back and cowered down like, ‘but I was just taking a pee dad.’ So, Kyle brings the sweet little tater face back home and we went back to bed, though it took a while to get back to sleep since the heart was beating so hard.

Earlier on Monday when Cy had first gotten to our house he told Chris that he smelled a strong odor of cat poop. Cy was working in our main bathroom which is where the cat box normally lives, but with all of the tile work going on it’s been getting moved around a lot. The box has to be in a place where it can be gated off because you can’t really leave a cat’s litter box where a dog can have access to it or the dog will, as Chris says, eat a tootsie roll (dogs can be nasty). So in protest and because that’s just how cats are, Max took a big ole poop right IN FRONT of his litter box. Thankfully this happened before I got home from work! We have established a rule with hairballs, whoever finds it has to clean it up. So I’m guessing that because of that rule, or maybe because of the stench, Chris cleaned up the poo. We moved the box back to the bathroom as quickly as possible. Side note - we haven’t really had to clean up any hairballs since Jack came along. Nasty dog!

Animals, you just gotta love them or else you’d kill them.


Anonymous said...

Glad Jack's okay. As for the Max story... eewwww!

Josh Hildebrand said...

Great title for the blog. Not as great as A Passionate Parent's Ponderings, but nice none the less. Thanks for the offer to stay with you all. I may take you up on that.

With more love than I can express,


contempoxian said...

Yep. Can't live with em...
Britches recently pooped in a towel on the floor in retaliation for my failure to clean the litter box; and then over Christmas he pooped in some plastic my parents used to cover the floor during a renovation...
Love em...