My dog is a pansy! He’s afraid of a bug. Now, if you’ve read my previous posts then you know he is willing to risk life and limb, both his and mine, by taking on a great dane but a little bug is out of the question. He went out to potty a couple of days ago and as he was running back to the house he was being followed by a screaming cicada. I’m sure he felt like he was being chased so now he won’t go out to potty. Crazy dog cowers down like its bath time if you open the back door and tell him to go potty. He will happily run out the front door since the trees are far enough from the house that he can potty without a cicada encounter but this could be hazardous to his life since the street is out that door.
And just so you know, both my kids are pansies too. Kyle and I went to Cynthiana last night to pick up Christy’s yard sale stuff, so as we’re out and about Christy starts making noise like some creature from Lost while screaming, “get it off of me, get it off of me. “ Then I hear this whimpering sound coming from Kyle, 21 years old, 6 foot tall and he won’t even swat a bug off of his sister who is about to have an embolism due to said bug! I swear! I told both of them they were the biggest pansies I know. If I didn’t know better I would think those kids belong to Lori! :)
But seriously, it’s time for the cicadas to GO AWAY already! I’m sick of them. We can’t even go for a nice relaxing walk without having to scream at each other just to be heard. Our poor little trees in the front yard are absolutely covered with these things. And let me just tell you, if you walk up to a tree and look one of these creatures in the eye - IT WILL zap your head. I speak from experience people!
When I left for work yesterday our neighborhood looked like a war zone. We had some pretty serious storms the night before so there were trash containers everywhere, tree limbs and partial trees down on every street and the dead soldiers (cicadas) strewn all over the place. I’ve never seen so many dead bugs at one time in all my life, and just so you know – Jack is just as afraid of them dead as he is when they're alive.
So my questions are this……..
Why did God make these irritating 17 year bugs and when the heck are they leaving?!!!!!!!!
In case you live on Mars and haven't seen a cicada look here.
I didn't know hero and pansy were synonomous...
Julie! I did some research for you! They only live for 4-5 weeks...we are about half way through! Your doggie will pee in peace soon! Good seeing you guys tonight!
In case you were wondering, Christy is also a smarty pants!
Lots of name-calling going on in this post, my friend. I don't remember YOU mentioning that you had been enjoying a leisurely dinner on your patio of late... could it be the bugs are not just keeping the "pansies" inside? ;)
Oh. And God will punish you for linking to such a huge photo. You wait and see.
Lori my friend, why the heck did you open that picture?!!!!!!!!!!!
That picture is now my wallpaper on the laptop!
Thanks for the warning. I will not be using the laptop until that changes!
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